Assisatant Director - Peter Roby
Producer - Judy Faye Garner
Inspired by the children's book, "A Little Princess" by Frances Hodgson Burnett. Playwright & Director,
Sheilah O'Heaney has taken the classic story and given it a "Texas twist" of a little girl overcoming adversity.
"Christmas for A Little Princess" is the heartwarming story of Sara Crewe, whose adventuring father places her in an elite girls’ school in Galveston – but disappears
while in South America. Sara is clever and imaginative but even her upbeat attitude is sorely tried by her sudden change from ‘princess’ to pauper. Aided by true &
loyal friends – with some mischievous next-door neighbors - Sara bravely endures her new life and hopes for a Christmas miracle: to be reunited with her dear papa. The
story takes place in a girls' school in 1890s Galveston, Texas and spans a time period of over 4 years.
Meet some of our characters:
*Lavinia - a "mean girl" before we coined that phrase
*Jessie - Lavinia's minion
*Sara - "The Little Princess" who undergoes some trials & tribulations
*Ermengarde - Sara's best friend
*Lottie - youngest girl in the school, prone to throwing tantrums to get her way
*Becky - servant at the school who becomes Sara's loyal friend
Join as as we tell this heartwarming tale.
Performance dates: December 6th, 7th & 8th, 2024
Congratulations to our Cast:

Young Sara Crewe - Connaughey Breen
Capt. Ralph Crewe - Anthony Williams
Becky - Megan Quinalty
Miss Amelia Minchin - Anita Bates
Miss Maria Minchin - Brittany Lankford
Young Lavinia - Eva Watkins
Young Jessie - Kendall Hoffman
Lottie - Emery Molandes
Young Ermengarde - Annalee McCarty
Janet - Adeline Spell
Nora - Ellie Moore
Young Franny - Henley Lankford
Mademoiselle DuFarge - Jaiden Roby
Lavinia - Alice Canty
Jessie - Samantha Quinalty
Sara Crewe - Iris Breen
Franny - Ryan Dean
Ermengarde - McKinzee Millsap
Mrs. Montmorency - Pam Anderson
Claude - Gabriel Bradford
Clarence - Andrew Everett
Lionel - Finn Breen
Mr. Barrow - David Anderson
Rose - Arianna Katon
Mrs. Baker - Kathy Dethlefs
Miss Hattie Warner - Sarah Lowery
Mr. Carrisford - Peter Roby
Emily Herself
Show Director - Sheilah O'Heaney
Show Producer - Judy Faye Garner
Assistant Director - Peter Roby
Stage Manager - Nicholas McCalister
Asst. Stage Manager - Abigail McCalister
Costumer - Annette Young
Prop Master - Jennifer Everett
Sound Tech - John Earle
Lights Tech - Rachel Loden
French Language Coach - Catherine Cacciopolli
Young Actor Handler - Danyka Roby
Sound Recordings - Peter Roby
Light Design - Bill Sherman
Set Design - Sheilah O'Heaney
Annex Windows Display - LaRetta Britton
Jennifer Everett, Jaiden Roby, Jo Roby,
Amy McCalister, Peter Roby
Castanya Breen, Stephanie Moore,
Sheilah O'Heaney, Patti Wilson
Rebecca & Cheyenne Fink
Pam & David Anderson
Anita Bates & Ryan Dean
Tommy Tucker & MaryLynn Bennett
Eddie, Finn, Iris & Connaughey Breen
Christine & James Cornelius
Mark, Jennifer & Andrew Everett
Judy Faye Garner
Sarah & Reagan Lowery
Amy & Nicholas McCalister
Trevor, Denise & McKinzee Millsap
Jimmy, Stephanie, Ellie & Andrew Moore
Ted Debbs & Sheilah O'Heaney
Jerry Parker
Megan, Samantha & Cinthia Quinalty
Christy & Adeline Spell
Jodi Ford & Eva Watkins
Samantha Watson, Abigail Everett,
Christine Dominguez
Tommy Spell at Piney Wood Custom Woodworks

Cherokee Civic Theatre ~ 157 West 5th Street ~ Rusk, Texas 75785